Wednesday, July 28, 2010


They must've been practicing like forever!
Its sooo complicated,shesh.
I tried it a few times,still not getting it...

The one row dance was awesome,so syncronized.
I wonder if anyone else tried before?
I bet they fail :)
or pass????
 That's why i don't gamble.
Gamble is bad Taemin is good.
Always smiling.
Like an angel.
Like the sun,really hot.

People say there are 7 people with same faces.
I think that's true because there's this guy at school,looks like Taemin.
I have a crush on him XD
Silly me having a crush due to his similarities with Taemin.
Well,a girl can dream when a girl wants to dream.
I wonder,is studying korean hard?
I'm sure its harder than English right?

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